Monday, September 24, 2007

no do overs

Here's the deal...i was in starbucks and missed an opportunity. conversation went something like this...
me to friend: i can let you taste my drink but not off the straw. open the lid.
(cashier laughing) i'm just like you. i don't like to share either.
me: i don't even let my husband drink after me.
friend: you guys - at least i'll be well adjusted when we get taken over. i'll survive. but you two...
cashier: (whispering as friend walks off) don't worry, we won't be taken over.
me: nothing...nada...zilch...when what i should have said was,

"YES WE WILL!" and i hope you, like me, won't be here when we are. because those days will be hard. harder than anything we've ever known.

but someday...some sweet day...Jesus will come and take us all away. at least all of those who know Him and call Him Lord. and i'm one of those. and i hope the cashier is too. and maybe, just maybe, next time i'll be brave enough to ask instead of living with this nagging wondering.

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